Your A-Z marketing mastermind for catapulting your visibility and generating consistent $10k months and beyond, without sacrificing your life or your authenticity.

    join the waitlist and be the first to know when places are available

    To create an abundant business that you love and that supports your dream life. 

    But right now, you don’t know HOW to make yourself visible or market yourself without sacrificing your life or authenticity. 

    As an online coach, creative or consultant who also identifies as a high achiever you’re ready to go ALL in on your business.

    I see you - high achiever

    You know you need more consistent clients, but you’re not sure how to attract more into your world (and to do it on repeat). 

    You never know when you’re next client is coming in, or how much you’re going to make month to month – you’re stuck on the income rollercoaster and want to get off

    I've been where you are

    You know you need to be selling, but the fear of being salesy and feeling icky when you promote your services is holding you back

    You’re churning out content, but there's no real strategy behind it so you can’t tell if it’s working or if it’s being seen by your dream clients

    You know you need to be selling, but the fear of being salesy and feeling icky when you promote your services is holding you back

    You have a bunch of offers but they’re not structured in a way that is profitable AND scalable.

    Your business feels messy and there’s no structure, you need to streamline your processes and create systems to free up your time and energy

    You are doing everything in your business yourself, you’re feeling overwhelmed on how to grow your business especially when you don’t have much time and you want to live that freedom lifestyle

    I want you to know this is possible for you –
     let me show you how.

    You’ve built a thriving, 6-figure+ business, without burning yourself out and sacrificing the things you love like seeing your friends and family, travelling the world, slow mornings and evenings whenever you feel like it

     you feel free and in control
    You work with dream clients every day, and your heart feels so damn lit up, because you’re doing the work you love doing and that lights you up

    Your nervous system feels at ease, because you know what it takes to create consistent $10k months in a way that will work for your business

    Your community is super engaged and wanting to work with you. Your marketing is on fire and your notifications are coming in thick and fast every day

    You go into sales conversations with ease, knowing you can close them with ease and without feeling sleazy or icky

    You feel supported by a like-minded community who are celebrating you and inspiring you to go further

    Picture this, instead

    You know there are so many things you should be doing to catapult your business to the next level and hit consistent $10k months – but where do you begin?

    we'll bare it all

    A 90-day roadmap tailored for you and your business, so you can have a clear plan on how to get your business to $10k months. We’re not here to waste time doing the fluffy stuff that’s not going to move the needle forward or sit in confusion. You’ll always know what to do and why you’re doing it

    2 x calls every month with your masterminders, where you’ll receive hot-seat coaching from yours truly

    2 x 30 minute 1:1 calls with me, Hazal, one at the beginning and one at towards the end of the mastermind, where we can create a plan for your 90-days and review your progress/next steps

    Trainings and resource library where you’ll learn insights, tips and strategies to support you in growing your business

    Slack support - on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, you can ask any question that comes up between our coaching calls to keep your business moving forward

    Accountability to help support you in doing the things that will move the needle

    Monthly copy review, get extra pair of eyes and feedback over your work to make sure your work is sales optimised 

    Inside the Self-Makers Mastermind, you’ll receive

    Your A-Z marketing mastermind for catapulting your visibility and generating consistent $10k months and beyond, without sacrificing your life or your authenticity.

    Designed for online coaches, creatives or consultants, this program is designed to give you the blueprint to create a 6-figure business, doing work that lights you up, feels authentic to you AND do it all without sacrificing your life.


    your investment to catapult your visibility and generating consistent $10k months and beyond?

     6 monthly payments of $899 USD / $1,400 AUD
    Deposit + $300 USD / $450 AUD

      baring it all in business

      I help business owners, like you, scale to sustainable 6-figures and multi-6-figures with ease and in a way that feels authentic to you using my signature Self, Strategy, Systems framework.

      With over 10 years of experience working in marketing, I’ve helped build businesses big and small, from leading big corporations and advertising agencies to small businesses and solo entrepreneurs.

      I help my clients create businesses that are not only super abundant, but also feel good to be in. Because let’s face it, we didn’t start our businesses so we can sit behind our computers all day, pushing emails, marketing in a way that feels inauthentic and unsustainable or selling in a way that feels icky and gross.

      My clients have seen incredible results, from having their highest cash years, closing $100k quarters, leaving their 9-5’s, booking out their rosters, attracting dream clients and seeing incredible mindset shifts which have transformed their businesses…I want to help you do the same.

      I’m your coach Hazal, corporate marketer turned marketing and business coach for purpose-led entrepreneurs.

      I’m your coach, Hazal


      consistently call in soulmate clients and have a cash baseline of $10k months in your business

      you have a clear roadmap on how to market and grow your business. that you can repeat again and again and again

      you're doing the work that lights you up, every damn day. making a difference and living in your purpose

      you know what income is coming in every month

      you go into sales conversations feeling confident, knowing you can close sales without feeling 'salesy'

      you have an incredible network that cheers you on and supports you

      you have systems in place so that you spend less time inside your business and more time doing the things you love, like spending time with your friends, family or travelling the world

      All of your revenue streams feel aligned, you're confident in your offerings and know they serve you and your clients

      you feel confident in your space online and know how to communicate that to the world, to attract aligned, incredible clients

      At the end of our 6 months together you

      You want the strategy to get you to 6-figures and beyond

      You know you want to take your business to the next level and you’re committed to making it happen

      You already have a business that is generating $1k+ a month and you’re looking to get this to consistent $10k+ a month

      You want to be surrounded by a community of like-minded people who you connect with and get inspired by on the daily

      You are not committed to your own success and the success of your business

      You are not currently earning $1k per month in your business

      You aren’t ready to be guided or learn in order to grow your business

      You’re not ready for your business to be successful and thriving

      What sets The Self-Makers Mastermind apart?

      This is an A-Z marketing mastermind, designed to maximise your visibility and catapult your business to consistent $10k months and beyond. 

      PLUS, I’m all about growing your business WITHOUT sacrificing your life and doing it all in a way that feels good and authentic to you.

      I haven’t seen a mastermind quite like this one, on the market today.




      This is not a mastermind where you will be one in a sea of many. This is an intimate mastermind experience where I’m hand-selecting incredible, go-getting entrepreneurs to join.

       This means that you will receive world-class support and be among like-minded entrepreneurs during our time together.


      baring it all in business

      When does the mastermind start?
      End of April, or once I fill out the mastermind with incredible Self-Makers like you.

      How much time do I need to commit?
      The results from this program take 6 months to deliver. Outside of that, I would recommend a minimum of approx. 4 hrs a week to grow your business.

      When are the live coaching calls held?
      This will be confirmed based on best overall times for our mastermind members. As we will have members from across the globe!

      Do you offer refunds?
      I would be very surprised if you did request a refund. I do not offer refunds on this program, because I have poured so much heart and knowledge into this program, I’m confident in the results it can deliver

      Is there a payment plan?
      Yes, send me a DM at @hey.hazal and we can discuss what options would work best for you.

      How much access do I get to Hazal during this program?
      A lot, this is an intimate mastermind. So I will be your lead coach on your coaching calls and in Slack to support you

      Do I get any 1:1 support in this mastermind?
      Yes, you will have 2 x 30 minute sessions with me that are 1:1

      What are your qualifications and experience?
      I graduated from Monash University with a Degree in Journalism and worked in marketing for over 10 years before I even started coaching. I’ve worked with billion dollar companies to smaller businesses and entrepreneurs. Through my coaching, I’ve helped clients leave their 9-5’s, have their highest cash years, make $100k quarters, consistent $10k months and run their businesses with ease.

      Got some questions? I have some answers

      David airoldi

      "I love that Hazal is as excited as I am about my brand. Hazal is very friendly and easy to work with. She truly cares about my business.

      I have seen unbelievable growth in my business since I started working with Hazal. Our reach on social media is through the roof and our website traffic has gone crazy! I have a lot more opportunities to work with other businesses and collaborations with influencers. Being new to that side of business Hazal has helped me so much to gain more clarity on the process and being confident. 

      Her strategies are amazing and she is very creative and talented. I love having a brainstorming session with Hazal as I learn a lot and it is a lot of fun. I would absolutely recommend Hazal to anyone serious about growing their business. My business would not be where it is without Hazal. Hazal is incredibly talented, creative, friendly and I feel very lucky to be able to work with her. Hazal is a great strategist and Mentor!"

      sarah emily 

      "I have absolutely loved the experience of working with Hazal as my business coach & mentor - I have been in my small business role for 5 years & didn't realize how much I actually needed this time with her! What initially drew me to use Hazal was her authenticity & relatability! 

      Hazal is full of amazing ideas & is a wealth of knowledge with tools & templates I can use in my business, which I never knew even existed! But since using them they have streamlined my workload & allowed me more time to devote to other aspects of my business! 

      Since working with her I have seen my client list grow, my social media following grow, and I feel comfortable with my branding & I think the most amazing thing is the mindset shifts I have had around money & self-worth. 

      I would absolutely recommend her to EVERYONE & will be enlisting her again in the new year as there is still so much to learn from this amazing woman! It has been the best business investment I've made to date."

      Nikita maddren

      "I have absolutely loved the experience of working with Hazal as my business coach & mentor - I have been in my small business role for 5 years & didn't realize how much I actually needed this time with her! What initially drew me to use Hazal was her authenticity & relatability! 

      Hazal is full of amazing ideas & is a wealth of knowledge with tools & templates I can use in my business, which I never knew even existed! But since using them they have streamlined my workload & allowed me more time to devote to other aspects of my business! 

      Since working with her I have seen my client list grow, my social media following grow, and I feel comfortable with my branding & I think the most amazing thing is the mindset shifts I have had around money & self-worth. 

      I would absolutely recommend her to EVERYONE & will be enlisting her again in the new year as there is still so much to learn from this amazing woman! It has been the best business investment I've made to date."

      "Oh my goodness where do I start? Working with Hazal was the best thing I ever did for my business.

      Hazal was so understanding and kind, no matter what was going on in my brain. Having her support the levelling up of my business was like having a friend constantly having your back (a friend with amazing knowledge in the industry). 

      I was able to have some huge mindset shifts while working together, with the tools that Hazal gave me and really unlock the potential I didn't even know I had. I started to believe in myself and my business and started to achieve calm amidst the previous chaos.  I doubled my income from the start of the year to the end of my 3 months with Hazal and I gained 8 new clients in just 3 days (amongst the others along the way). 

      Hazal supported my vision for my business and helped me gain more of my soul mate clients - ie. I got to grow my business authentically."

      Seriously, best thing I ever did for my business. 

      client testimonials

      David airoldi - @lefermier

      I love that Hazal is as excited as I am about my brand. Hazal is very friendly and easy to work with. She truly cares about my business.

      I have seen unbelievable growth in my business since I started working with Hazal. Our reach on social media is through the roof and our website traffic has gone crazy! I have a lot more opportunities to work with other businesses and collaborations with influencers. Being new to that side of business Hazal has helped me so much to gain more clarity on the process and being confident. 

      Her strategies are amazing and she is very creative and talented. I love having a brainstorming session with Hazal as I learn a lot and it is a lot of fun. I would absolutely recommend Hazal to anyone serious about growing their business. My business would not be where it is without Hazal. Hazal is incredibly talented, creative, friendly and I feel very lucky to be able to work with her. Hazal is a great strategist and Mentor!

      David airoldi - @lefermier

      Sarah emily herbalist - @sarahemilyherbalist

      "Since working with Hazal I have seen my client list grow, my social media following grow, I feel comfortable with my branding & I think the most amazing thing is the mindset shifts I have had around money & self worth. 

      I would absolutely recommend her to EVERYONE & will be enlisting her again in the new year as there is still so much to learn from this amazing woman! It has been the best business investment I've made to date. 

      Transformation 2 

      chelsie mew

      “I feel such a weight off my shoulders having Hazal by my side. Since working together I've found a good flow with consistently and purposefully showing up in my business in a way that feels true to myself.”

      Transformation 1 

      are you ready to catapult your business to consistent $10k months, doing work that lights you up, with marketing that feels authentic to you AND do it all without sacrificing your life?

      This mastermind is for you.

      Let’s do this Self-Maker.

      Imagine where your business could be, 6 months from now - if you started today. Let’s get those consistent $10k months.