Willow Jenson

With over a decade's experience growing businesses (from small biz and big corp!) I understand how to take aligned action that actually moves your business forward, AND feels good. Consider me your new business mentor and empowering marketing coach. 

I'm Hazal - serial audience grower and business builder. I help entrepreneurs create and grow aligned businesses with ease and flow.

Hi, i'm so glad you made it here

your story to be told

I've always walked through life with an insatiable appetite for learning and a good dose of stubborn grit that anything I could dream up for my career would be possible. 

Growing up, I loved writing, I loved communicating with people and connecting on a deeper level. So with a degree in Journalism under my belt, I found myself working in marketing where I realized I had a knack for connecting with audiences, building communities and the psychology of selling.

At 25, I was the Head of Social at one of Australia’s biggest retailers. I loved the pace, growing my team, the creativity and challenge involved. I worked in advertising agencies, big corp, small business, start-ups - climbing the career ladder in the search of…something…kind of like searching your house looking for your glasses only to realize you were wearing them all along.

Throughout my career, I couldn’t help but feel like there was an inner zone of genius inside of me that I wasn’t tapping into. One that wanted to connect, build, grow on a deeper level. So, I asked myself, what does success look like for me? I knew it didn’t look like more money, a fancy car or a nice bag - those things are nice, don’t get me wrong. But they don’t make my heart sing.

Within a few months of launching my business, I had several viral pieces of content and I began to organically attract soul mate clients. After my first coaching session, I knew that this was what I was meant to be doing. Not only did my work feel so fulfilling and aligned, but my clients were seeing amazing mindset shifts, income transformations and becoming more visible in their spaces. 

My work felt so aligned, I was growing with ease and flow. I had figured out a way to show up online in a way that felt authentic to me and attracted amazing clients in a way that actually felt good. And now, I devote my time to helping others do the same.Creating, marketing and scaling their businesses with ease and flow.

Success looked like freedom, working my own hours, truly connecting with people and helping them actualise their business dreams, spending more time with my friends and family.

a little about me...

i started working in social media, before ads were even a thing.

I bet you didn't know:



action taking entrepeneurs like you, ready to make some bold moves.

my people are:

the only thing standing between your goals and your reality is you.

favourite quote:

Some Hazal trivia