2024 is right around the corner, so I’m coming at you with a 2 part series to support you in maximising your marketing as we head into the new year AND how to actually set goals and how you can give yourself a better chance of achieving them.
In this episode, I break down how to plan for increased visibility and impact going into 2024. This is the type of episode where I recommend you grab a cuppa and a notebook, because we’re going deep.
We’re reflecting on 2023, outlining your vision for the next year, mapping out your personal brand to help you stand out, setting your income goals and solidifying your marketing approach.
Yep, I told you it’s a biggie! In the next episode, coming next Wednesday, I’ll take you through the exact process on how to take these dreams and set yourself up so that they become your reality.
The Self-Makers Mastermind Waitlist
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here at hey hazal, we celebrate diversity, and believe in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all. Our commitment is to CREATE SPACES where everyone thrives.
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